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Daniel, Age 8 months
Daniel Gallardo’s love of storytelling was truly inspired when his wonderful mother introduced him and his brothers to The Golden Treasury of Children’s Literature. Story-time quickly became his favorite hour. He also held a strong passion for music. Dan’s first music instructor realized he was fixating more on the lyrical content, rather than scales and arpeggios.
He recommended instruction in lyrical arrangement.
Both childhood experiences contributed to his future authoring and composing. Daniel’s children loved bedtime stories as much as their father. In fact, they often encouraged “dad” to improvise, rather than read from published books or sing well-known nursery rhymes.
He now hopes other kids will enjoy his stories and music. His writing is themed around children’s health and wellness, especially juvenile diabetes. His debut book, Little Bea and The Good Health Ship, reached number nine in Children’s Health and Disease after only ten days of publication on Amazon.com.
The book is available through Barnes and Noble and many global online retailers. The companion album, “The Good Health Ship” performed by Captain Insulin and Friends, is available to stream on major platforms such as Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube and more.
Early education is prevention.

Children can often experience low self-esteem, anxiety,
and social isolation.
The story of Sammie the Support Shepherd, shares how encouraging and beneficial a support animal can be for children experiencing these social phobias.

Friendship. Laughter. Talk.
Ahora en Español
Now in Spanish!

By Captain Insulin and Friends
"...seeds, fruits and veggies...organic every day. Help a happy body,
in each and every way."

First day of treatment in 2018.

Surrounded by love. My kids, my parents and my aunt.

Working hard in the studio.

Amazing trip with my daughter Natasha, my son Ryan and my daughter Bree.

Greeting some wonderful readers while signing books at Barnes & Noble.

My son Ryan and daughter-in-law Brittany.

So proud to be displayed.

My beautiful girls. Natasha, Jayda, Aunt Arlene and Alana.

First time seeing my books in the store!

Family dinner in Old Town San Diego.

We reached #9 in just a few days!!

Hawaii 2019. Like father like son.